Coaching: Research into coaching techniques, strategies, tools and models

Category Archives for "Coaching"

Posts about research into coaching. This includes executive, organisational development and general workplace coaching. It also includes topics around mentoring.

What increases innovation capability and general performance in organisations: New research


An interesting and fairly large- scale study has just been published in the Chinese Language Journal of Quality that conducts a form of factor analysis called Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) on data from 398 organisations. The study looked at the level of influence the following factors have on each other: Organisational culture Leadership style and […]

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Stop calling yourself a professional. Most likely you aren’t, and as for being educated…


On being professional in the workplace During a conversation last week with a group of my research students at Oxford last week they mentioned the p-word. The concept of ‘being professional’ often crops up with students as they think about their future work. ‘So what does being professional mean’? I asked. “people often assume that […]

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