Change failure rates – what the research actually says

Probably one of the most frequent statistics quoted in the organisational change literature and by consultants is that about 70% of change initiatives fail or fail to meet their intended objectives. Coincidently and curiously the project management literature is peppered with exactly the same reported rate of project failure.

But is it true?

Rather than accepting this figure we decided to follow the quoted sources to find out where this figure of failure originally came from and to find out if it is still valid, given all the research and development that has occurred over the years.


Scare tactics

Whilst such a dramatic figure suits the aims of many consultants, authors and researchers to focus the attention of readers and add importance to the results of their findings and work, there is a question as to whether the figure is valid, particularly given the improbably rounded number.

This special report reveals all; where the figures actually came from, what research evidence there is for this and what the research actually says about change failure rates.

If you really want to know what the research actually says this report on the research is for you.


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