Why Organisations Love The Oxford Review
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Why Organisations Love The Oxford Review

Are you the kind of person who prefers good evidence to base your decisions and actions on?

If more colleagues in your organisation were to adopt an evidence-based approach, how would that impact decision-making, productivity and performance?

The Oxford Review creates inspiration and continual realisations
The Oxford Review creates inspiration

Experience is great… but…

When they’re making decisions, taking action or working with others people usually depend on their own experience, knowledge and some data.
The problem with that is that, no matter how experienced we are, there are always gaps in our knowledge and know-how. This is why team working is so important, because in an ideal world this combines people’s experience and expertise. However, even that is often not enough. Here’s why:

  1. The validity of knowledge and experience. Personal knowledge and experience is usually based on personal observations, perceptions and interpretation. Such observations, perceptions and interpretations tend to be subject to cognitive biases, favouritism and propensity towards certain outcomes. Evidence-based practice, on the other hand, is based on empirical research, offering greater objectivity and verifiable knowledge that is less prone to bias.
  2. Consistency of approaches. Individual experiences, perceptions and interpretations can be vastly different, leading to inconsistent approaches and results. Evidence-based approaches tend to adhere to established protocols, thus ensuring greater uniformity, consistency and standardisation. Evidence-based approaches also lead to the use of a common language and understanding, which reduces misinterpretation and errors. 
  3. Scalability issues. Evidence-based practices are often based on studies conducted on large populations and in a variety of contexts, making them more scalable and applicable across different settings. Personal experience is typically limited to specific situations or contexts, and may not be as adaptable and applicable as the individuals believe them to be.
  4. Continuous learning and improvement. Because evidence-based practice involves constantly keeping up with new research, thinking and ideas, it promotes a continual learning and improvement orientation. Unlike experience alone, which can become outdated and may not keep up with the latest advancements or best practices.
  5. Avoidance of past mistakes. Evidence-based practice benefits from the collective experiences and observations of many practitioners, helping to circumvent repeated and systematic mistakes. Individual or team experience may lack this comprehensive perspective, potentially leading to recurring errors. In effect, evidence-based practitioners are part of a larger community of practice.*

Experience +

Evidence-based practice doesn’t replace experience, rather it adds and complements it. Coupling the very latest research with the expertise and experience of employees is a powerful combination. 

The problem is that searching for, getting access to and decoding the latest research is costly in terms of time, actual cost and know-how. That’s why we are here.

The Oxford Review is your one-stop destination for the latest, most relevant and actionable organisational research. We are committed to bringing you the highest quality research, thinking and evidence, so that your people are up-to-date and well-informed.

And there’s more.

Research Briefings

Our research briefings distil complex research into concise, quick and easy-to-understand summaries. They’re designed to provide you with the insights you need to make informed decisions, stay ahead of the curve, and drive your organisation’s success. [LINK TO Unlocking Research for Informed Decision-Makings: The Power of research briefings ]

Live Workshops

Our regular live workshops offer an interactive and engaging learning experience. These sessions cover a range of topics, offering practical tools and strategies that can be applied directly to your organisational challenges. Expand your knowledge and skills with us. [Join our upcoming Live Workshops](#).

The Oxford Review Community

Being a part of the Oxford Review Community means joining a network of professionals dedicated to the latest thinking, research findings, continuous learning and growth. Share your experiences, learn from your peers and gain access to exclusive content tailored to your needs. [Become a part of the Oxford Review Community](#).

The Oxford Review brings insight, inspiration and huge value to …

  • Leaders and leadership teams – Harness the power of research to shape strategic decisions, inspire teams and drive innovation. Learn more – how and why high performing leadership teams use OR research briefings

  • Managers – Equip your managers with the latest research insights to manage effectively, optimise team performance, and navigate change effectively. [Learn more – why high-performing managers use OR research briefings ](#).

  • HR Professionals – Leverage our resources to craft effective policies, foster a positive work culture, and attract, develop and retain top talent. Learn more – Ten Ways Savvy HR Functions Use Research Briefings .

  • Learning & Development – Not only stay on top of emerging trends and best practices in learning and development, but get a constant stream of amazing content and ideas for your programmes and ensure they are cutting edge and based on the very latest research. [Learn more](#).

  • Organisational Development – Use research-backed insights to design and implement strategies that promote sustainable growth and resilience. [Learn more](#).

  • Sales and Marketing – Having access to the very latest research and thinking around sales, marketing (and sales and marketing management) ensures that your team has the most recent and up-to-date tools and thinking to be right at the bow wave of change. [Learn more](#)
  • Research and Development – Knowing what is happening in the world of innovation, technology, open innovation and research is essential for all R&D functions. [Learn more](#)

But surely

  1. But research is historical isn’t it? It isn’t really up to date is it? This couldn’t be further from the truth – Learn more
  2. But knowing research doesn’t exactly help my people become creative and innovative does it? Quite the opposite actually. The Oxford Review research briefings spark inspiration, creativity and innovation, as well as flexibility and adaptiveness – Learn more

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