What is Organisational Social Capital?
Organisational social capital refers to the levels of goodwill and positive feelings such as warmth, understanding, appreciation, optimism, passion and collective commitment that are produced by the nature of the social relations and relationships within the organisation.
Organisational social capital is usually considered to develop as a consequence of ethical and motivational factors that exist within an organisation. As a result, organisational social capital is often seen to contribute to the levels of
- Organisational citizenship behaviours, and
- Counter-productive work behaviours
experienced within an organisation.
Brien, A., & Smallman, C. (2011). The respected manager… the organisational social capital developer. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(3), 639-647.
Hasle, P., Kristensen, T. S., Møller, N., & Olesen, K. G. (2007, October). Organisational social capital and the relations with quality of work and health—a new issue for research. In International congress on social capital and networks of trust (pp. 18-20).
Sanchez-Famoso, V., Maseda, A., Iturralde, T., Danes, S. M., & Aparicio, G. (2020). The potential of internal social capital in organizations: An assessment of past research and suggestions for the future. Journal of Small Business Management, 58(1), 32-72.
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