The Oxford Review DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Dictionary D-F

  • A-C
  • D-F (this page)

  • Discrimination – The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of protected characteristics such as race, age, sex, or disability.
  • Disability – A physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person’s ability to engage in certain tasks or actions or participate in typical daily activities and interactions.
  • Disability Inclusion – The practice of ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to opportunities and resources, and are actively included and valued in all aspects of society.
  • Disparities – The unequal outcomes of one group compared to another, often resulting from systemic inequalities and discrimination.
  • Diversity – The presence of differences within a given setting, including but not limited to race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, language, (dis)ability, age, religious beliefs, or political perspective.
  • Diversity Allyship – The practice of actively supporting and advocating for individuals from marginalised or underrepresented groups, even if one does not belong to those groups themselves.
  • Diversity Audit – A comprehensive assessment of an organisation’s diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, policies, and outcomes, often conducted by an external consultant.
  • Diversity Awareness – The understanding and appreciation of the differences among individuals and groups, and the recognition of the value these differences bring to an organisation or society.
  • Diversity Best Practices – A set of guidelines, strategies, and actions that have been proven effective in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within organisations or communities.
  • Diversity Best Practices – A set of guidelines, strategies, and actions that have been proven effective in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within organisations or communities.
  • Diversity Calendar – A calendar that highlights important dates, events, and observances related to diverse cultures, identities, and experiences.
  • Diversity Champion – An individual who actively promotes and supports diversity, equity, and inclusion within their organisation or community.
  • Diversity Consultant – An external expert who provides guidance and support to organisations looking to improve their diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and outcomes.
  • Diversity Council – A group of individuals within an organisation tasked with promoting and overseeing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
  • Diversity Data – Information and statistics related to the representation and experiences of different demographic groups within an organisation or society.
  • Diversity Education – Programmes, workshops, and resources designed to increase knowledge, awareness, and understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion topics.
  • Diversity Fatigue – The feeling of exhaustion or burnout experienced by individuals who are constantly engaging in or advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.
  • Diversity Hire – A term sometimes used to describe an individual who is hired primarily because they belong to an underrepresented group, rather than solely based on their qualifications or merit.
  • Diversity and Inclusion – The practice of creating and maintaining a workplace or organisation that actively welcomes, supports, and values individuals from all backgrounds, identities, and experiences.
  • Diversity Initiatives – Programmes, policies, and practices designed to promote and support diversity, equity, and inclusion within an organisation or community.
  • Diversity Leadership – The practice of actively promoting and modeling diversity, equity, and inclusion as a leader within an organisation or community.
  • Diversity Lens – A perspective that considers how different identities, backgrounds, and experiences may impact individuals’ perceptions, experiences, and outcomes.
  • Diversity Management – The strategic approach to creating and maintaining an inclusive work environment that values and leverages the unique contributions of all employees.
  • Diversity Mentorship – A programme that pairs experienced professionals with individuals from underrepresented groups to provide guidance, support, and career development opportunities.
  • Diversity Network – An employee resource group or affinity group that brings together individuals with shared identities, backgrounds, or experiences to provide support, resources, and advocacy within an organisation.
  • Diversity Pipeline – The pool of potential candidates from underrepresented groups that an organisation actively cultivates and engages with for future job openings.
  • Diversity Quota – A controversial practice of setting specific targets or requirements for the representation of certain demographic groups within an organisation or programme.
  • Diversity Recruiting – The practice of actively seeking out and hiring candidates from underrepresented groups to create a more diverse workforce.
  • Diversity Recruitment – The practice of actively seeking out and engaging with candidates from diverse backgrounds and identities in the hiring process.
  • Diversity Report – A document that provides a comprehensive overview of an organisation’s diversity, equity, and inclusion metrics, initiatives, and progress.
  • Diversity Scholarship – Financial aid awarded to students from underrepresented or disadvantaged backgrounds to support their educational pursuits and promote diversity in higher education.
  • Diversity Scorecard – A tool used to measure and track an organisation’s progress towards achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion goals.
  • Diversity Statement – A public declaration that communicates an organisation’s commitment to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Diversity Strategy – A comprehensive plan that outlines an organisation’s goals, actions, and metrics related to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Diversity Symposium – A conference or event that brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds to discuss and explore issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Diversity Training – Educational programmes designed to increase awareness, knowledge, and skills related to working with and supporting individuals from diverse backgrounds and identities.
  • Diverse Workforce – A workforce composed of individuals with a wide range of characteristics, backgrounds, and experiences, reflecting the diversity of the broader community.
  • Diversity Metrics – Measurable data points used to assess the diversity of an organisation, such as the representation of different demographic groups in the workforce or leadership positions.
  • Double Discrimination – The experience of facing discrimination on the basis of two or more intersecting identities, such as race and gender.

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