Competitive Intelligence From The Oxford Review

What is competitive intelligence?
Competitive intelligence refers to the process of finding collating, storing and learning from information held outside an organisation that gives that organisation a competitive advantage. 
Main points about competitive intelligence :
  1. Competitive intelligence focussed on information external to the organisation
  2. Competitive intelligence is distinct from competitor intelligence which is focussed on understanding as much as possible about how competitors works and conduct their business, who their clients are etc. 
  3. Competitive intelligence is actually a process that involves:
    1. The identification of useful and pertinent information or research
    2. Accessing the information
    3. Transforming and converting the information/research into useful and understandable forms
    4. Using the information/research to gain a competitive advantage
For example the Oxford Review provides easy to understand research briefings (competitive intelligence) about the very latest* research and thinking about
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Organisational Development 
  • Organisational Change 
  • Organisational Transformation 
  • Human Resources Management 
  • Human Capital
  • Organisational Learning 
  • Learning and Development 
  • Coaching 
  • Decision-making
  • Work psychology 
All of these briefings, infographics and videos are aimed at giving you the competitive edge as we as making you the most up to date person in the room. 
* By the very latest research we mean briefings about peer-reviewed research that has been published in the last month or so and certainly no older than 12 months old.

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