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We purposefully stay away from the normal 'anyone will do’ membership model as we in essence, a community of evidence-based practitioners who what to use the latest research findings and thinking. Meeting the needs of our members is of prime importance so we talk with all prospective members to make sure expectations are matched and we understand your interests and needs.

We keep in quite close contact with our members, they tell us what projects they are working on, what problems they are trying to solve and what issues they are facing and thats what we serve. So getting to know each other is important as is bringing you into the community. 

It is impossible to be all things to all people and we don’t even want to try. If you are interesting in what the research says and want your work to be evidence-based you will find this is the place to be. You will not only get a continual supply of the latest research and thinking but will be part of a bright, friendly community of evidence-based practitioners. 

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Just How Useful Is The Oxford Review?

....ask someone who gets it 

Gill BarnesHead of Human Resources

I use the Oxford Review to keep my team up-to-date with the latest thinking. We all find it really useful on a day-to-day basis. It is quite amazing how many times something comes up during the work day where we find ourselves quoting or using a piece of research you have sent me. It has got to the stage where my team are expected to have a contribution on just about anything. It has certainly boosted the role and value of HR in the company. 

Richard ChubbExecutive Coach and Organisational Development Consultant

It is just invaluable to me in my role. There is no where else I could get such up-to-date research findings and just about every single one is right on target as far as I am concerned. If the Oxford Review had life membership I would sign up in a heartbeat.

Jin ChenTeam Director

At first I got the review for my own personal development. It has been so useful that I now have subscriptions for every single one of my managers. I would say that there isn't a month that goes by that we don't collectively discuss at least one of the articles. 

Gemma ShultzLearning & Development Manager

Everyone in the department gets the Oxford Review. The briefings are fascinating and really easy to understand. We all use them. I use them in my training sessions. They are great for starting discussions and running training sessions around. I am often emailing the weekly briefings out to people in the organisation. They are a very good resource for all of us, in fact I don't know of anyone on the team who doesn't use them.

Clara TappitDirector of Organisational Development & Strategy

At first I thought this was just another Harvard Business Review. How wrong was I? It is the most up-to-date look at research that really has just been published and most importantly just about every article is useful and makes me think. The BIG plus though is that on it's own The Oxford Review forms the basis of our evidence based practice. I wouldn't be without it now. 

Ivan GarciaCEO & Managing Director

I came across The Oxford Review through my daughter. She kept showing me articles and briefings all of which were exceptionally useful to running a business so I got a subscription. At the price it's a real steal. From my point of view it has given me the most up-to-date knowledge about what we should be doing. I have just bought a subscription for each of my managers, including my HR manager. I suppose it would be correct to say that your review is now at the backbone of this company. Keep up the good work.
