Behavioural Inclusivity - Definition and Explanation

Behavioural Inclusivity – Definition and Explanation

Behavioural Inclusivity

In the realm of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), understanding and addressing Behavioural Inclusivity is crucial. Behavioural Inclusivity is a significant aspect of this discourse, but what exactly does it entail?


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Behavioural inclusivity refers to the conscious effort of individuals and organisations to adapt their behaviours, attitudes, and communication styles to be more inclusive of diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. It goes beyond mere awareness of diversity and actively involves modifying actions to ensure equitable treatment and opportunities for all.

Why is Behavioural Inclusivity Important?

Behavioural inclusivity is essential for fostering a culture where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued. By embracing behavioural inclusivity, organisations can:

  1. Promote Diversity: By acknowledging and respecting the differences among individuals, behavioural inclusivity encourages diversity in thought, culture, and perspective within the workplace.
  2. Enhance Equity: Behavioural inclusivity ensures fairness and impartiality in all interactions, thereby promoting equal access to opportunities and resources for all employees, regardless of their background.
  3. Foster Inclusion: Through inclusive behaviours, individuals feel a sense of belonging and are more likely to contribute their unique talents and ideas, leading to increased innovation and productivity.


Consider a scenario in a UK-based company where meetings are typically conducted in a fast-paced manner, with little opportunity for input from quieter team members. To promote behavioural inclusivity, the company decides to implement the following strategies:

  1. Encourage Active Listening: Leaders emphasise the importance of active listening during meetings and provide training on techniques such as paraphrasing and asking clarifying questions to ensure that all voices are heard.
  2. Create Safe Spaces for Participation: Designated time slots are allocated for quieter team members to share their ideas and perspectives without interruption. Additionally, anonymous suggestion boxes are introduced to provide an alternative platform for sharing thoughts.
  3. Promote Diverse Communication Styles: Team members are encouraged to use various communication channels, such as written memos or virtual platforms, to accommodate different communication preferences and ensure equitable participation.


Lim, S. M. Y., Wong, M. E., & Tan, D. (2014). Allied educators (learning and behavioural support) in Singapore’s mainstream schools: first steps towards inclusivity?. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18(2), 123-139.

Dimitrellou, E., Hurry, J., & Male, D. (2020). Assessing the inclusivity of three mainstream secondary schools in England: challenges and dilemmas. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 24(10), 1097-1113.

Botha, J., & Kourkoutas, E. (2016). A community of practice as an inclusive model to support children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in school contexts. International journal of inclusive education, 20(7), 784-799.

Newton, C., Taylor, G., & Wilson, D. (1996). Circles of friends: an inclusive approach to meeting emotional and behavioural needs. Educational Psychology in Practice, 11(4), 41-48.

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