Bias Response Team - Definition and Explanation

Bias Response Team – Definition and Explanation

Bias Response Team


A Bias Response Team (BRT) is a group comprised of professionals within an institution, such as a university or workplace, tasked with responding to incidents of bias or discrimination. These incidents can range from subtle microaggressions to overt acts of prejudice. The primary goal of a Bias Response Team is to provide support to individuals affected by bias incidents, address systemic issues contributing to bias, and educate the community on diversity and inclusion.


  • Support and Advocacy: Bias Response Teams offer support to individuals who have experienced or witnessed bias incidents. This may include providing emotional support, connecting individuals with resources, and advocating for their rights within the institution.
  • Investigation and Documentation: BRTs investigate reported incidents of bias to understand their nature and impact. They document these incidents to track patterns, identify trends, and develop strategies for prevention.
  • Education and Training: BRTs engage in educational initiatives to raise awareness about bias, privilege, and discrimination. They offer workshops, training sessions, and resources to promote understanding and empathy within the community.
  • Policy Development: BRTs collaborate with institutional leaders to develop and revise policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. They advocate for changes that address systemic issues contributing to bias and discrimination.


Consider a university where a student reports feeling marginalised and discriminated against by their peers during a group project. The student, who belongs to a minority ethnic group, alleges that their ideas were dismissed and they were subjected to derogatory comments based on their race. In response, the university’s Bias Response Team conducts a thorough investigation, interviews involved parties, and provides support to the affected student. They also organise a workshop on cultural sensitivity for students and faculty members to prevent similar incidents in the future.


Bias Response Teams play a crucial role in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within institutions. By responding to incidents of bias, providing support to affected individuals, and advocating for systemic change, BRTs contribute to creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the community. As we continue to strive for a more equitable society, the role of Bias Response Teams remains indispensable in addressing biases and fostering a culture of respect and understanding.


Miller, R. A., Guida, T., Smith, S., Ferguson, S. K., & Medina, E. (2018). A balancing act: Whose interests do bias response teams serve?. The Review of Higher Education, 42(1), 313-337.

LePeau, L. A., Snipes, J. T., Morgan, D., & Zimmerman, H. (2018). Campus educators deploying cultural and social capital: Critically examining a bias response team. Journal of College Student Development, 59(6), 681-697.

Garces, L. M., Ambriz, E., & Pedota, J. (2022). Legal challenges to bias response teams on college campuses. Educational Researcher, 51(6), 431-435.


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