Bias Training - Definition and Explanation

Bias Training – Definition and Explanation

Bias Training


Bias training, also known as unconscious bias training or implicit bias training, is a structured program designed to raise awareness about unconscious biases that individuals may hold. These biases are formed through societal influences and personal experiences, often without conscious awareness. Bias training aims to help participants recognise and mitigate these biases to promote fair treatment and decision-making.


Bias training plays a pivotal role in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within various settings, including workplaces, educational institutions, and public services. By uncovering unconscious biases, individuals can become more mindful of their thoughts and actions, leading to more equitable outcomes. Moreover, bias training fosters empathy and understanding, creating a more inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued.

Key Components:

Bias training typically involves interactive workshops, discussions, and exercises tailored to address specific biases prevalent in a particular context. These sessions may cover topics such as stereotype threat, microaggressions, and privilege, providing participants with tools to recognise and challenge biased behaviours.


In a corporate setting, a multinational company based in London implemented bias training to address gender disparities in leadership positions. Through interactive workshops, employees were encouraged to examine their assumptions and perceptions about gender roles in the workplace. As a result, managers became more aware of their biases during the recruitment and promotion process, leading to increased representation of women in leadership roles within the organisation.


Bias training is a powerful tool for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion by raising awareness about unconscious biases and fostering inclusive behaviours. By acknowledging and addressing biases, individuals and organisations can create environments where everyone feels valued and respected, ultimately driving positive societal change. Embracing bias training is not just about compliance but about building a more equitable and inclusive future for all.


Carter, E. R., Onyeador, I. N., & Lewis Jr, N. A. (2020). Developing & delivering effective anti-bias training: Challenges & recommendations. Behavioral Science & Policy, 6(1), 57-70.

Jackson, S. M., Hillard, A. L., & Schneider, T. R. (2014). Using implicit bias training to improve attitudes toward women in STEM. Social Psychology of Education, 17, 419-438.

Hagiwara, N., Kron, F. W., Scerbo, M. W., & Watson, G. S. (2020). A call for grounding implicit bias training in clinical and translational frameworks. The Lancet, 395(10234), 1457-1460.

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