The Oxford Review has just published it’s latest Special Report – How to repair deviant, toxic corporate and organisational cultures.
Special reports are extended research briefings. In this report:
- How to repair deviant, toxic corporate and organisational cultures
- External deterrence
- Corporate culture overview
- Toxic corporate cultures
- Automated Situational Norms
- Thin end of the wedge – how cultures become toxic and deviant
- The role of punishment
- Discrepancies
- The three primary factors that foster unethical climates
- Four primary lessons about toxic cultures
- The stages for dealing with deviant toxic cultures
- References
This report is immensely useful for anyone involved in organisational development and transformation and interested in organisational culture. In particular this extended research briefing can act as an evidence-based framework for repairing and dealing with deviant and toxic corporate and organisational cultures.
You can buy the report here:
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