Organisational Development (OrgDev) Research Articles and Posts

Category Archives for "Organisational Development"

Organisational Development (also known as OD or OrgDev) is a structured, systematic and scientific approach to improving organisational effectiveness through research and testing. The primary intention of Organisational Development is to align the:

  1. Strategy,
  2. Structure,
  3. Systems,
  4. Processes, and
  5. People

with the aims and desired outcomes of the organisation.

Organisational Development incorporates areas of Organisational Psychology, Change Management and Human Resource Management.

The cost of putting on a smile at work

Identity work

    An interesting paper just published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology looks at the effects of suppressing your real emotions and displaying a different emotion. The paper, by researchers from the University of Toronto conducted two studies on parents who were trying to hide their emotions from their children. What they […]

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Goal orientation is good, right? Not so fast…

Goal Orientation

Goal orientation is a key attribute most recruiters and organisations look for in an employee. There is a tacit assumption that goal orientation is the factor which promotes achievement and improves both people’s and teams output and performance. However there is another, less attractive side to goal orientation that needs to be considered. In a […]

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What increases innovation capability and general performance in organisations: New research


An interesting and fairly large- scale study has just been published in the Chinese Language Journal of Quality that conducts a form of factor analysis called Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) on data from 398 organisations. The study looked at the level of influence the following factors have on each other: Organisational culture Leadership style and […]

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Key factors for small business success: New Research

using evidence-based practice

New research finds what makes a business successful. Whilst there is a list of factors one thing in particular makes all the difference. A paper just published this week in the Journal of Social and Development Sciences conducted a review of hundreds of previous research studies looking at the success factors of small businesses. What […]

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These 2 factors predict people’s intention to leave during organisational change

intention to leave

An interesting PhD thesis has just been published from the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong, China looking at the factors which explain resistance to change from a very interesting perspective. I don’t often report on PhD thesis due to the variability in quality (I know there shouldn’t be) from the various universities around the world. […]

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Stop calling yourself a professional. Most likely you aren’t, and as for being educated…


On being professional in the workplace During a conversation last week with a group of my research students at Oxford last week they mentioned the p-word. The concept of ‘being professional’ often crops up with students as they think about their future work. ‘So what does being professional mean’? I asked. “people often assume that […]

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The two main things that make evidence-based practice work

evidence-based practice

How to make evidence-based practice work Many professions have moved towards evidence-based practice over the years. The real pioneers here have been the various medical and health services around the world, but as a concept it is being increasingly used in just about every industry to a lesser or greater extent. However whilst there is […]

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How you cope with uncertainty predicts how biased you are

uncertainty at work

How you cope with uncertainty predicts how biased you are How we cope with uncertainty at work and other places affects so much. Researchers looking at many issues from decision-making to anxiety are starting to focus on people’s intolerance of uncertainty or how we cope with uncertainty and are finding that this one thing changes so much including […]

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